Start your own business

Whether these new ventures are inspired by stay-at-home moms looking to earn extra cash, young people starting their careers with their own businesses, previously employed middle managers, or just regular folks looking to increase their monthly income, many are finding themselves caught in the entrepreneurial spirit.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Apartment Preparation Service

Start-up cost: $500
Potential earnings: $20,000–$30,000
Typical fees: $50 and up per apartment
Advertising: Yellow Pages, direct contact with apartment owners,
banner ads at Web sites such as or
Qualifi cations: Knowledge of cleaning procedures and painting skills
Equipment needed: Cleaning supplies, sweeper, mops, buckets, painting
equipment, cell phone
Staff required: No
Hidden costs: Insurance, equipment maintenance
What You Do
You add the fi nishing touches to apartment buildings before the next tenant moves
in. To increase your marketability, off er several services, including carpet cleaning,
wall washing, painting, wallpaper repair, and overall cleaning services. Set fee
schedules appropriately depending on individual services (or off er an all-inclusive
package price). Advertise your services to many apartment complexes. To cut
down on driving, try to get a contract with a multiunit apartment complex that
off ers short-term lease options.
What You Need
Invest in good-quality cleaning equipment, including a sweeper and carpet cleaner.
Start-up costs can be as low or as high as you want, depending on what services
you are going to off er and the quality of equipment you purchase. Th is business
can be started for a relatively low cost with high return on investment. Keep a cell
phone with you so that you can easily respond to your next customer.
Keys to Success
Th is business is not for someone who is afraid of using good, hard elbow grease.
Be prepared to encounter some messy situations. An apartment preparer might
spend quite a bit of time on their hands and knees cleaning baseboards and fl oors.
Consider the health of your back and always wear a back brace. In addition, invest
in a good pair of kneepads and rubber gloves.

Antiques Dealer

The lure of the old and priceless draws many a sentimental customer into an
antique store, and you could start such a business with a dozen or so nice pieces
of furniture, some antique china, and lots of old books and toys. All of these
items tend to sell well, as they are collectible and worth increasingly more with
each passing year. You’ll need to develop a sizable stock or inventory of pieces to
sell, which can best be accomplished by combing thrift shops, fl ea markets, estate
sales, and Internet auctions on eBay, Yahoo!, and for the best and
most interesting old items you can find. Watch the newspaper for garage sales,
too. Sometimes people will unknowingly unload a fabulous antique at a steal of
a price.
Basically, you should keep in mind that your business will need to be run
just like any other retail establishment, which means you’ll need to price yourself
well enough to cover your operating expenses in addition to building a profit.
Folks will want to barter with you on price, so you’ll need to hold firm with your
price or raise your price enough to compensate for allowing customers to talk you
down the typical 10–15 percent. You can also choose to conduct online auctions
to automatically generate competitive bidding.
Start-up cost: $1,000–$40,000 (depending on how large you would like
your inventory to be)
Potential earnings: $35,000–$150,000
Typical fees: Varied; your pieces will sell anywhere from $10–$10,000
Advertising: Yellow Pages, community newspapers, direct mail, show
participation, a Web site of your own, possibly listing on
sites like, a large sign to advertise on outside
of home
Qualifications: Should be knowledgeable about antiques and pricing
Equipment needed: Credit card processing equipment, computer with high quality
digital camera and Internet access, printer, fax
The 200 Best Home Businesses 9
Staff required: No
Hidden costs: Insurance, warehousing, packaging and shipping
What You Do
Th e lure of the old and priceless draws many a sentimental customer into an
antique store, and you could start such a business with a dozen or so nice pieces
of furniture, some antique china, and lots of old books and toys. All of these
items tend to sell well, as they are collectible and worth increasingly more with
each passing year. You’ll need to develop a sizable stock or inventory of pieces to
sell, which can best be accomplished by combing thrift shops, fl ea markets, estate
sales, and Internet auctions on eBay, Yahoo!, and for the best and
most interesting old items you can find. Watch the newspaper for garage sales,
too. Sometimes people will unknowingly unload a fabulous antique at a steal of
a price.
Basically, you should keep in mind that your business will need to be run
just like any other retail establishment, which means you’ll need to price yourself
well enough to cover your operating expenses in addition to building a profit.
Folks will want to barter with you on price, so you’ll need to hold firm with your
price or raise your price enough to compensate for allowing customers to talk you
down the typical 10–15 percent. You can also choose to conduct online auctions
to automatically generate competitive bidding.
What You Need
It all depends on how you plan on growing your business. You can start off with
just a few pieces for under $2,000, and then add more accordingly. To really turn a
profit, you’ll want to start with significant inventory that will run you upwards of
$20,000. Look to earn $35,000–$150,000, depending on three things: location,
quality of product line, and price. Obviously, if you’re in a quaint New England
town, you might fare better than an antique shop in the middle of Kentucky. But
if you have antique items in high demand around the country, location won’t even
be an issue—and the sky’s the limit.
Keys to Success
It’s a competitive market, and too many well-intended entrepreneurs make the
mistake of thinking this will be an easy ride. If you are focused on high-end
antiques and have sufficient working capital to buy the kinds of pieces that will
build your reputation for the finer things, then you’ll have little problem making
a living. If, on the other hand, you choose to specialize in less-expensive antiques
and collectibles, you’ll need to round up lots of inventory because you’ll likely be
turning it around very quickly.

Animal Breeder

Animal Breeder
Dog and cat shows are more popular than ever. All you need is cable television to
witness the craze. But where, besides the highly undesirable “puppy mills,” do the
most beautiful breeds come from? If you have a passion for purebreds, becoming
an animal breeder might be just what the veterinarian ordered! Once you pick a
breed in which to specialize, you will need to build a small kennel and breeding
ground and find your prize-winning bitch or stud. Th en you will advertise your
breeding service. You may also decide to find a suitable breed match for your initial
animal and sell their off spring to smaller pet shops or directly to the new pet owners.
Once you become known as a breeder, you will be able to quickly and easily
connect with breed lovers via shows and the Internet.
What You Need
A cell phone will probably be your most important piece of office equipment,
Start-up cost: $10,000–$15,000
Potential earnings: $45,000–$80,000
Typical fees: Often $200–$600 per animal
Advertising: Breeding magazines and shows, newspaper ads,
networking, Web site
Qualifications: Knowledge of specific animal breed, familiarity with breed
standards; a permit will likely be necessary as well (check
with your local zoning board)
Equipment needed: Cell phone (with or without hands-free accessories),
computer with Internet access, fax, printer, business cards,
letterhead, envelopes
Staff required: No
Hidden costs: Home kennel and breeding area (check with your local
zoning board for permit fees)
8 The 200 Best Home Businesses
What You Do

along with e-mail for communicating with distant customers and contacts. A good
computer with a high-resolution digital camera will also help you showcase the
animals you are offering for sale.
Keys to Success
Th e most important asset you have is your breed. You will constantly need to protect
the integrity of the breed characteristics, so your animals cannot be bred with
just any other of its species. What will help you the most to grow your business
is for your animals to win major show titles, so that their off spring become more
valuable due to their lineage. Like the many animals you’ll breed, this business
will take time to grow.